Faith That Endures When Faith has Failed*

P1000358-001God, I have not given up on you yet. I know you are still my provider. I know you will meet my needs; sometimes naturally, at other times, supernaturally. But while I wait, I also lament. Have you heard my cry?

  • I have God; in spite of my faithlessness
  • I was thanking God within my spirit and praying for others who are also facing challenges
  • He was almost in tears. He doesn’t see how he can “live out” his passion. God, I leave that to you.
  • God help me to stay hopeful.
  • Why are some prayers answered and not others; why God, why?
  • God surprise me today

God I do not hear from you. Is this what faith is all about; to believe still, in the face silence? Did the saints of old encounter this stone silence? I pray that I will not fail this test for I want to be counted as one your saints.

Give me wisdom, give me discernment; give me patience, but above all God give me Faith; “faith that endures when faith has failed” (McLaren, p.176).


*McLaren, B. (2011). Naked Spirituality: A Life with God in 12 Simple Words. New York. HarperCollins Publisher.

When God Calls Your Name

P1000158.blessedThen I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

God it is evident that it is time to grow. God help me to see the cues and to use every opportunity to seek you out, to serve you and to demonstrate your love to others.

God help me to be always faithful; even during dark times. Give me the faith of Paul; the courage of David and the resiliency of Job.

God I pray that  through your divine spirit,  I can truly motivate with my words, model through my deeds and heal with my touch. I pray that I will live the truth and be a good steward of your trust in me. Amen

Has God called your name? What has God impressed upon your heart to do?

God, I Need You to Be God Today

But now, O Israel, the LORD who created you says: “Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. 2 When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. 3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;” Isaiah 43:1-3.

God, I need you to be God today. I need you to be the God who spoke to Isaiah. I need you to be the God who will be with me on every winding road and detour in my life. I need you to be God during my difficult times, during my scary times, and during the times when my faith is weak. I need you to be God when I want to throw the towel in and call it quits.

God, I need you to be God today. I need you to be the God of love. Be the God who performs miracles, the God that heals. Hear my prayers oh Lord, be the compassionate God that wants the best for me.

God, I need you to be God today; the God I want to follow; the God I want to share with others; the one that the world so desperately needs.

I need a God that knows my heart, my soul, my every weakness, and despites my faults will love me anyway.

God we need you to be God today; the one that not only hears our prayers, but will answer our prayers; the one that brings hope to a new generation of believers and continue to comforts His current disciples.

God, we need you to be the God who spoke to Isaiah. The one that helps us weather our storms; the God whose footprints are in the sands; the God we can always count on.

God, I personally need you today. I need the God who promised to be with me until the end of my time. God, I need you today; will you be my Savior, my Isaiah God today?

This reflection is dedicated to all those who love God, but at the same time are deeply hurt and are hurting from a “silent God.” We would love to hear how God has spoken to you through this Isaish scripture.
Previously posted on Upward Edge ( on October 6, 2009