When God Calls Your Name

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8).

Last week I published an essay on Upward Edge (www.upwardedge.com) entitled “Factors to Consider When Deciding to Lead.” After publishing the essay and receiving a comment from one of my loyal followers, I began to meditate. Although my words are in the first person, I strongly believe that my words are genuine to all hopeful and called leaders.

God it is evident that it is time to grow. God help me to see the cues and to use every opportunity to seek you out, to serve you and to demonstrate your love to others.

God help me to be always faithful; even during dark times. Give me the faith of Paul; the courage of David and the resiliency of Job.

God I pray that I can, through your divine spirit, truly motivate with my words, model through my deeds and heal with my touch. I pray that I will live the truth and be a good steward of your trust in me. Amen

Has God called your name? What has God impressed upon your heart to do? If all the factors are in place (see www.upwardedge.com); then you are able to repeat Isaiah’s words: “Here am I. Send me!”

Just In The Nick Of Time

“When I call, give me answers… I’m in trouble again: grace me! Hear me…Look at this: look who got picked by God! He listens the split second I call to him” (Psalm 4:1, 3 The Message).

How often does this happen to you? God answers you in the nick of time. Of course the nick of time is relative. The nick of time for me is now or least at the end of the day. However, it seems that God takes His good old time. Isn’t that right Job? The bottom line though; is that God does answer prayers.

The scripture made me think about all the things I want now or hope to have in the future. If I just had a little more money, a better car or if work wasn’t so stressful or if I could win the lottery, life would be better for me and all my family and friends. When we do this (dwell on worries and wants) we forget about our present blessings and the blessings that God has bestowed upon us in the past.

Richard H. Schmidt writes that “the present moment usually contains many blessings, but if we think only of what is unpleasant in the present or about what we want done in the future, we can’t enjoy anything” (Praises Prayers & Curses, 2005). So be thankful for today and you will be surprised to realize the miracles of just in the nick of time.

 Let’s pray:


God help us learn the lesson of just in time. God sometimes we need to have a just in time episode so that we recognize the miracles of life. God help us to see and realize the miracles of our everyday lives. Help us, each and every day to be tuned into all that you do for us. We thank you now for our recognized and unrecognized blessings. Amen

Are Our Dreams Realized In Heaven

Some may think this is corny; others may think this is so unrealistic; a pipe dream. But I say it is a hopeful optimism—are our dreams realized in heaven? Can what is not accomplished here on earth, for whatever reason, be realized in heaven?

Can what we started here on earth continue in heaven? Can evil at every stop block what God has ordained? I am wishful, but more hopeful that the God’s spirit in us is bigger than the evil in this world.

Some may say, take your head out of the sand and you can make heaven here on earth. Isn’t that’s what the Lord’s Prayer is about-“thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” What are you doing now to make God’s kingdom here on earth.

Oh, I don’t know. I am just a dreamer. I see so many dreams here on earth perish because of ignorance, poverty, hatred and prejudice. I am just hoping—just hoping that our dreams lost here on earth are realized in heaven; that the good in our hearts that would have helped millions on earth will be realized in heaven.

Here’s hoping that our dreams; our unfinished or incomplete projects are realized in heaven. Amen.


 This short essay was inspired by the writings of Cornel West in his book, “Brother West Living and Loving Out Loud” and is dedicated to my brother Calvin. Calvin, I hope you are inspired and I pray that you are now living your dreams.