Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5, NIV).
You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought (Matthew 5:5, The Message).
“Why can’t I look like that, talk like that, sing like that, be smart like that”?
We always discount who we are. If we are not content with our own gifts—the ones that God has anointed us with–we cannot and will not be used by God to impact our world.
What are you good at? What are your strengths? What do you hear others say about you? What do you like to do; love to do? What doesn’t seem like a chore for you? Think for a moment; no, really reflect? What are you good at?
Those are your talents; the gifts God anointed you with. Cultivate them; try to find ways you can use them and yes, maybe make a little money as well.
We need not covet another person’s gifts, talents or looks; we just need to cultivate and appreciate the ones that God has given us. Don’t doubt yourself, you are unique; your talents are your gifts to the world.
So don’t forget, God has blessed you and God wants you to use your unique talents to bless the world. In other words, like Oscar Wilde said, ‘be yourself, everyone else is already taken”.
Nice… I was reading on of Dr. Myles Monroe’s books yesterday, ” In Charge”. He speaks to our gifting being the very thing that God called us to serve the world. It is in our area of gifting that we are truly born to lead…
Thanks Tony… Hope you are well.
Our gift is for the world.. Leaders lead in that area of their gifting….
Like, who you are. That’s where it begins. Many times we do not even like our very selves. We’re too enamored with what others are doing, that we do not take the precious time to self-evaluate our own worth, and contribution from our own lives. Like who you are, and Love (who you are), will follow. And from there, all other things will fall into place.
Oh, so beautiful. Thanks
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Like, who you are. That’s where it begins. Many times we do not even like our very selves. We’re too enamored with what others are doing, that we do not take the precious time to self-evaluate our own worth, and contribution from our own lives. Like who you are, and Love (who you are), will follow. And from there, all other things will fall into place.
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Like, who you are. That’s where it begins. Many times we do not even like our very selves. We’re too enamored with what others are doing, that we do not take the precious time to self-evaluate our own worth, and contribution from our own lives. Like who you are, and Love (who you are), will follow. And from there, all other things will fall into place.